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Your Health & Wellness, Iss #57 -- Health news for the health conscious December 11, 2010 |
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New Anti-Aging BreakthroughProfessor Cynthia Kenyon has discovered that by "tweaking" the genes of earthworms, they have lived up to six times longer than normal. This was done by controlling the amount of carbohydrates they were fed. So momentous was her discovery that many experts in the field say that Professor Kenyon deserves the Nobel prize. The genes of the earthworms that were manipulated directly control youthfulness and longevity. These same genes also control aging in rats, mice, and more than likely, monkeys. And, best news of all, there are indications that these genes are active in human beings too. The Daily Mail reports regarding Professor Kenyon's amazing discovery: "Discovering the ... [first] gene has prompted the professor to dramatically alter her own diet, cutting right back on carbohydrates. That's because carbs make your body produce more insulin (to mop up the extra blood sugar carbs produce) ... so the vital second gene, the 'elixir' one, won't get turned on" (October 26, 2010.) By altering her carbohydrate intake, Professor Kenyon is going contrary to conventional wisdom. Medical science has been admonishing people to cut back on their fat intake and increase consumption of complex carbohydrates. This has been the message for the past 30 years. Complex carbohydrates are metabolized by your body into simple sugars which generates insulin like white flour or sugar. It is this insulin response which is driving epidemic proportions of diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Professor Kenyon has found out that carbohydrate intake affects two key genes that control youthfulness and longevity. Comments Jeff Holly, professor of clinical sciences at Bristol University, "This work has revolutionized our understanding of ageing ... Ten years ago we thought ageing was probably the result of a slow decay, a sort of rusting, but Professor Kenyon has shown that it's not about wear and tear, but instead it is controlled by genes." Sadly, true to her traditional medical mindset, Professor Kenyon is looking upon her discovery as an opportunity for synthetic drugs to be produced to turn genes on and off. But she has implemented a drugless procedure into her own life -- reduce carbohydrate intake! Dr. Mercola comments: "The real answer is staring you right in the face! Limit your intake of carbohydrates, primarily in the form of fructose and grains, and you'll achieve these results without any negative drug-induced side effects!" Here is Dr. Mercola's recommendations regarding how much fructose to consume: "As a standard recommendation, I strongly advise keeping your TOTAL fructose consumption below 25 grams per day. However, most people would be wise to limit their fructose to 15 grams or less, particularly if you have elevated uric acid levels, which can be used as a predictor for fructose toxicity. This includes keeping track of your fructose intake from whole fruits. For a helpful chart showing the fructose content of many common fruits, please see this link. I recommend this lower level simply because if you consume processed foods or sweet beverages at all, you're virtually guaranteed to consume "hidden" sources of fructose."" Previous research has shown that you can extend your lifespan by cutting calories. But these calorie must come from a specific source -- carbohydrates. When this is done, it turns down the gene that controls insulin which in turn swtiched on another gene which is being called the "elixir of life." "We jokingly called the first gene the Grim Reaper because when it's switched on, the lifespan is fairly short. The second 'elixir' gene seems to bring all the anti-ageing benefits -- its proper name is DAF 16, but it was quickly nicknamed 'Sweet Sixteen' because it turned the worms into teenagers. It sends out instructions to a whole range of repair and renovation genes," says Professor Kenyon. The so-called "sweet sixteen" boosts compounds that make certain skin and muscle producing genes are working properly; they make your immune system even more effective in fighting infections and turn off genes that promote cancer. Alternative medicine advocates such as Dr. Joseph Mercola have long stated that elevated insulin levels are primarily responsible for premature aging and death. Excessive consumption of sugar, grains, and processed foods, combined with limited to no exercise, are known to cause problems with insulin and leptin levels. Exercise is an easy, no drug way to reduce insulin levels. Your exercise program should be consistent and moderate-to-vigorous in
intensity. Science has also proved that exercise such as weight training will reduce your risk of cancer and help prevent or delay your onset of hypertension, obesity and heart disease, just to name a few of the diseases that significantly contribute to premature death. In order to implement the strategy of Professor Kenyon, you will need to severely curtail your intake of carbohydrates. The primary source of calories in the United States, and maybe the entire world, is soda -- including diet. Sweetened beverages usually contain artificial sweeteners of which the worse is high fructose corn syrup. Unfortunately, high fructose corn syrup is not confined to soda. You will find it in low-fat products such as mayonnaise. It can also be found in cereals and baked goods. High fructose corn syrup is ubiquitous. As a matter of fact, most packaged, processed foods should be on your "no-no" list. And depending on your metabolic type, you may need to increase your consumption of organic, grass-fed protein or free-range (beef, chicken, etc.) and wild fish such as salmon. If you are a carb-type, increase your vegetable intake. Joseph Elijah Barrett, Webmaster We have comprehensive information for all of your diet, health, and nutritional needs; extensively cross referenced. Your one stop health website.
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