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The dangers of microwave ovens are not common knowledge although the microwave oven is in almost every American home. Although not commonly recognized, the method of cooking food and what is used to accomplish it has an impact on your health.
Up until the invention of the microwave oven, fire had been the only method of cooking food. It had been in use ever since man discovered it. We are literally talking about thousands of years. Whether the fire was open or enclosed in a wood or gas burning stove, the principle was the same.
Germany is credited with inventing the microwave oven. The purpose of the oven was to feed its troops in the field during World War II. However after World War II, the Russians studied the biological effects of the microwave oven. The results of their investigation so alarmed them that they banned the microwave oven in 1976. Study results were hidden from the public though, including the American public, for years.
Even now when the Russian studies are available along with other studies confirming them, many people are unaware of the dangers of microwave ovens.
Microwave ovens change the molecular structure of food. They heat food by causing it to resonate at very high frequencies. The oven doesn't mimic fire and it doesn't mimic electromagnetic energy from the sun. The process is totally alien to the human body. Not only isn't the body able to process microwaved food, it doesn't recognize it. This magnifies the dangers of microwave ovens.
In 1992, a Swiss study of microwave ovens led by Dr. Hans Hertel found the following problems: (1) decrease in number of red blood cells (2) increase in cholesterol levels (3) an increase in the number of white blood cells (4) the creation of radiolytic compounds until now unknown in nature and (5) decreased hemoglobin levels.
White blood cells are one of the bodies defenses against infection. They are a part of its immune system. Could it mean that the body perceives microwaved food as an invader? That possibility cannot be overlooked.
The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture reported that:
The dangers of microwave ovens doesn't stop there. When used, microwave ovens generate an electromagnetic field which radiates 6 to 8 feet. Studies show that this field has the potential to damage human DNA.
Earler I mentioned that the Russians performed a series of tests on the biological effects of the microwave oven. The following is a summary of the those tests. The results were published by the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in Portland, Oregon. Carcinogens were formed in virtually all foods tested.
No test food was subjected to more microwaving than necessary to accomplish the purpose, i.e., cooking, thawing, or heating to insure sanitary ingestion. Here's a summary of some of the results:
The fact that microwave ovens causes the creation of so many carcinogens makes common knowledge of the dangers of microwave ovens crucial. This could be one unknown cause for America's rising cancer rate.
Russian researchers also reported a very noticeable acceleration of structural degradation leading to a decreased food value of 60 to 90 percent in all foods tested. Among the changes observed were:
In the light of these results, the dangers of microwave ovens cannot be overstated, nor denied. There are alternatives to the microwave oven other than going back to your stove. The convection oven is a good substitution. Although nothing will replace the speed of the microwave oven, cooking speed should be sacrificed for your health's sake.
Healthy living > Reduce cancer > Microwave ovens