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When I was growing up in the 50s and early 60s, I didn't know the importance of water. I knew though that it was free. And our only source was the water company. Unlike today, water wasn�t sold in stores just as air wasn�t sold at gas stations. Although fluoride and chlorine were already being mixed into the water supply by the nation�s water companies, the potential dangers were not then known.
Chemicals, notably fluoride and chlorine, have been added to
drinking water to combat impurities. But the chemicals fluoride
and chlorine are deadly poisons themselves. These chemicals compromise the importance of water.
"In summary, we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk. That is, the toxicity of fluoride is so great and the purported benefits associated with it are so small�if there are any at all�that requiring every man, woman and child in America to ingest it borders on criminal behavior on the part of governments� (; Dr. J. William Hirzy, Sr. Vice-President, Headquarters Union, US Environmental Protection Agency, March 26, 2001.) Fluoridation of America�s water supply began in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1945.
Drinking water is also chlorinated. And like fluoride, it is a poison. Studies have found that known carcinogens (cancer causing agents) are in our drinking water because of chlorination. Dr. J.M. Price, MD of Saginaw Hospital says the following, �Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it prevented epidemics of one disease, it was creating another. Two decades ago, after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the present epidemic of heart trouble, cancer, and senility began� (
Scientists at the University of Alabama examined the birth records of nearly 400,000 babies. They discovered that the partial or total absence of brain and spinal cord, hole-in-the-heart, and cleft palate increased between 50 and 100 percent in areas where the drinking water was heavily chlorinated. The risk of urinary tract defects and Down's syndrome was also increased.
Because of this find, pregnant or soon to be pregnant mothers are at double the risk of having children with birth defects. Earlier studies have linked chlorinated water to stillbirth, miscarriage, and cancer of the bladder.
The International Journal of Cancer reported on a group of studies which showed the effect of tap water on men. The results of six control studies involving 2,749 bladder cancer cases and 5,150 cancer free controls revealed that a high consumption of ordinary tap water will slightly increase men�s risk of contracting bladder cancer. The risk of bladder cancer increased by 50 percent when men drank more than 2 liters (a little more than � gallon) of tap water daily.
Water is imperative for good health. It is used for many internal processes. ". . .Water is vital to digestion and metabolism, acting as a medium for various enzymatic and chemical reactions in the body. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood, regulates body temperature and lubricates our joints. . . " (
The human body itself is over 65% water. If the body does not get enough water, excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, and increased toxicity is the result. Not only is the quantity of water important, but quality also. When the quality of water is compromised, your health also suffers. These facts emphasize the importance of water in human nutrition.
German researchers have discovered that by drinking two 8-ounce glasses of cold water, a person's metabolic rate was boosted 30%. This increase lasted for 90 minutes. One-third of this boost was due to the body heating the cold water. The balance was the result of the body absorbing the water. Explains lead researcher, Michael Boschmann, MD, of the University of Medicine in Berlin, "...when drinking water, no calories are ingested but calories are used..."
Speaking of the importance of water, did you know that:
Signs of Dehydration
The importance of water can best be appreciated if you have ever experienced dehydration. Look for these signs:
(1) Slide the tip of your finger down your tongue. If your finger slides like a hot knife through butter, you are properly hydrated. If your finger feels like it's sliding down a piece of sandpaper, you are dehydrated.
(2) If the color of your urine is a pale yellow, you are hydrated; if it's dark yellow and has an odor, you are dehydrated.
(3) When you perspire profusely, especially with little to no activity, you are dehydrated.
(4) Another symptom of dehydration is twitching muscles. This happens because excess potassium levels will not allow the muscle to relax the way it should.
(5) A craving for sodium (salt) can be another sign of dehydration.
Certain medications can cause you to become dehydrated. Blood pressure medication as well as antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines, and appetite suppressants can all cause dehydration.
Due to the importance of water, anyone on these medications should make certain that they remain hydrated throughout the day.
The bottled water industry is by and large self-regulated. The government isn't looking over their shoulders to ensure quality water and safe manufacturing practices.
The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) performed a survey on the bottled water industry. Some of their findings were (a) 29% of bottled water showed sub-standard manufacturing practices (b) 31% of the 52 brands of bottled water tested were contaminated with bacteria (c) 31% showed significant deviations in their tested water.
Alkaline water
Distilled water