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living a healthy lifestyle

Living A God-Glorifying Life Through Good Health.
(Featured on CNN)

When I was growing up in the '50s and '60s, there was no obesity epidemic, and children were not developing old-age maladies such as heart disease. Cancer, Alzheimer's, and autism were virtually unheard of. Living a healthy lifestyle was a lot easier. More...

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Mission Statement

A mission statement is important for any company--whether it be located in a physical location or in cyberspace. A mission statement spells out the goals and purpose of a website or company.

Living a healthy lifestyle website is no exception. When I first conceived the concept for a health website I did it for a specific reason. There was a reason to add another health site to the already existing hundreds of thousands of health sites on the internet.

The health field isn't a small, narrow niche with plenty of room for growth. Instead it is a broad topic with almost every base covered. Any additional web entries into this bursting at the seams topic has to have a particular spin or slant.

Originally, what is now known as Living A Healthy Lifestyle was incorporated under www.Spirit of In those early days I had a passion for health which I incorporated into my Christian website.

But as time went on, I knew that I had to separate health and nutrition from the Christian teaching. My concept of health and nutrition had to have its own dedicated site.

My vision of Living a Healthy Lifestyle is having exercise, nutrition, and disease prevention in one all-encompassing site. The foundation for a healthy lifestyle is diametrically opposed to that of conventional medicine with its focus on treatment and drugs.

Instead, living a healthy lifestyle is firmly anchored in whole, natural foods and alternative, drug-free measures. Instead of the first resort, traditional medicine is the last resort. It is only to be used when all other approaches have been exhausted, and it proves to be beneficial to the specific case.

That being said, my mission statement for Living A Healthy Lifestyle is as follows:

  • Present the importance and necessity of healthy living through exercise, nutrition, and disease prevention
  • Present the importance of a holistic approach to health
  • Present the importance of working with the human body with methods and substances it was designed to understand and process
  • Present my Christian, bodybuilding, and holistic health perspective to the macro health wellness field
  • Expose and denounce pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, and medical greed which seeks to perpetuate their own selfish agendas at the expense of your health and well-being, and environmental concerns

With this mission statement at the very core of Living a Healthy Lifestyle, you are guaranteed a one-stop synopsis, at-your- fingertips approach to health.

In regards to finding what you are specifically looking for, I have created a topics by index page. Through this page you can look up any disease, nutrient, or exercise-related article you may be interested in. All topics are extensively cross-linked and referenced.

Living a healthy lifestyle through its mission statement not only seeks to give you the latest medical and nutritional information, but to do so in a timely and concise manner.

We source several committed and dedicated medical authorities whose foundation is alternative and natural-based. These doctors are totally opposed to conventional medicine with its emphasis on treatment and drugs. Instead they rely on natural foods and food-based medicines. Their approach is holistic, and they are not dependent on pharmaceutical companies for financial support.

> Mission statement